The Financial Planning Process with Sharkey, Howes & Javer

You may have been referred to us by a friend, a professional advisor or found us on the Internet. Either way, we want to hear from you. Once we have the opportunity to get acquainted with you by phone or e-mail we will send you a packet of information about us which will include our Confidential Client Information Questionnaire. Our Client Questionnaire gathers information about your goals, your family, your risk tolerance, your assets and your debts. The questionnaire provides you with the opportunity to write down some of your goals, concerns and issues and it provides us with an overview of your financial situation.

Additional information that you will receive in our packet includes:

When you meet with one of our planners for your complimentary meeting, he or she will discuss our philosophy, services and fees. The meeting is for us to get to know each other and determine whether our firm can be of assistance to you.

If we decide to move forward and work together, we will provide you with the Investment Advisory Agreement and a Financial Planning Agreement and then we will get started.

Locate Us / Contact Us

Most often, this complimentary initial consultation is held at our Denver office.